Privacy Policy

Your complete trust is vital to us.  To support that trust, we designed this Security and Privacy Policy to summarize how we may collect and utilize personally identifiable information about visitors to our site.  We will not disclose a user’s personally identifiable information to any third party without the user’s express permission.

Sharing and Usage

We will never share, sell, or rent individual personal information.  Information submitted to us is only available to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you emails based on your request for information or to keep you updated about news, recalls on your products, or special sales and discounts.  Customers may opt-out of receiving future mailings; to do so please email  We collect the following information: Name, Address, Email address, Phone number, and Credit/Debit card Information.*

*This is collected via our payment processor, which handles processing, we do not have access to your credit card information.  This is for your protection as well as ours.

Session Tracking and “Cookies

The item selection and ordering process requires that each web page recognize your entire visit to the site, a technology known as “session tracking”.  One way to accomplish session tracking is to save “cookies” to your computer. may use cookies, or functionally equivalent technology, to accomplish session tracking.

Session tracking through the use of “cookies” allows you to place items in your shopping cart while continuing to browse for other products and enables you to avoid re-entering data on multiple pages.  In summary, session tracking and the use of cookies help to make your visit to more efficient and convenient.

Critical Suppliers, LLC does not use cookies or information gathered through session tracking for any purpose unrelated to your activities on

The Session ID is assigned to each session.  If you visit and leave for any reason, your ID will have changed when you return.  If you were a logged-in Registered User for the previous session, any items you placed in your shopping cart will be saved for you.  If you were not logged in, those items will be lost.

Data Security

This site uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption in the transmission of information.  All pages of the website have encryption protection.  However, some pages which you link from this site may not be encrypted.  Critical Suppliers, LLC stores all personal information in a private database that is not connected to the internet.