Our mission is to provide a marketplace of critical suppliers while creating transparency and efficient pricing, which is only available to the institutions and healthcare workers who need it most.

Special Thanks to PhotoSesh.com - a leader in marketplace technology based in the NYC metro area. We have teamed up with leaders in the local business community while partnering with hospitals and government agencies to launch a Critical Supplies platform. During this global crisis that has changed our world from the Novel 2019 Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have come together to take action and play a role to help source emergency supplies. These experts joining forces have extensive experience in solving previously chaotic processes in other industries which struggled matching 2 sides of a market with transparent pricing (in this case Urgent Needs institutions and vetted suppliers). The team is now seeing a familiar inefficient wild market lacking transparent pricing for providing governments and healthcare institutions urgent critical supplies. The Critical Suppliers platform was created using the team’s experience in marketplace technology to help expedite and facilitate delivering these supplies in an efficient and timely manner. This platform is not only developed to be an efficient marketplace, but to also establish itself as a clearinghouse with proper due diligence and verification. Supplies such as N95 respirator masks and other personal protective equipment are top priority. As we on-board and verify more suppliers and manufacturers, we hope to give the people who need these supplies a great platform to find what they need with ease. We hope our efforts to standardize this market and streamline the process will eliminate price gouging and prevent hoarders from overstocking these crucial supplies. By utilizing a controlled marketplace solution we believe we can create fair, reasonable, and efficient pricing.

ATTN: Suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors…

Please complete the following questionnaire to begin the verification process:

CLICK HERE TO BEGIN: Supplier Questionnaire

Press Inquiries

If you have any questions or comments on our mission, please contact PhotoSesh’s Charity Dept via email.



To contact us at Critical Suppliers
please email:



221 River Street, 9th Floor
Hoboken, NJ 07030

Tel: 201-285-7583